Enrollment Guide

to training in Auricular Medicine
5 different entry points to a learning path that you can make your own...
INTRO resources online are always a free!
The core of Auricular Medicine knowledge, levels 1-3, endorsed as “the only systematic training of the DAA Auricular Medicine program in English offered worldwide,” recommended by the Auricular Certification Institute (ACI), and recognized by NCCAOM for CEUs.
Enhanced Auricular Assessment & Treatment (Level 1), begins with approaches that do not require proficiency in Vascular Autonomic Signal palpation (VAS)
In Identifying, Prioritizing & Clearing Blockages to Healing (Level 2), you gain the skills to assess and treat the top 5 focus indicators (using the VAS).
The Master Methods Retreat (Level 3), is presented by the Canadian Institute of Auricular Medicine (CIAM) as an on-site, in-person training to gain greater practice effectiveness and efficiency, including a wealth of approaches not covered elsewhere.
Treatment- and modality-specific approaches beyond the CORE. PLUS courses offer a means to explore and/or advance your auricular learning.
After completion of respective CORE coursework, CERTIFY clinical practicums allow you to earn level-appropriate certification. 
This program is still in development, however you can take advantage of a single payment preview promotion that offers significant savings for open access to all weeks of the Ear Point Guide, Level 1, and initial sections of Level 2 (click on “Subscription Program” for details).

INTRO courses

CORE courses

PLUS courses

CERTIFY courses


Why Integrate Auricular?

In light of its basis in neuro-auricular stimulation, measurement of autonomic (ANS) output, and acuity in the application of therapeutic frequencies, Auricular Medicine offers a comprehensive starting point for your continuing education in healthcare or wellness practice. 
Graduates across modalities use auricular insights to prioritize treatment approaches and break through the walls presented by their most challenging cases. 

Still Undecided?

Ask yourself, what would you do if you had the clinical skills to...

Write your awesome label here.
CIAM’s highly-endorsed Level 1 course features instruction and demonstrations that were presented at the prestigious Yo San University in Los Angeles. These presentations have been combined with interactive video elements, self assessments, and other resources such as eBooks and PDF Workbooks for a comprehensive learning experience unparalleled in this field.

All enrollments include...

CIAM Forum

Class discussions, practitioner experiences and Q&A shared in the forum.

Instructor support

Direct messaging with instructors

Platform support

We strive to ensure a smooth user experience.