Goudse Academy
This small Dutch academy started as a meeting of integrative minds in the 1970’s. The physician, Ton van Gelder, and the psychiatrist, Steven Hofman — who had each made a name for themselves in Auriculotherapy — brought together a circle of allied physician and non-physician therapists for meetings at Groene Hart Hospital in Gouda. At these meetings, members lectured on new insights in auriculotherapy and other related but highly diverse subjects (i.e. yoga, geopathology, and Kabbalah).
The multi-modal-minded gatherings became the basis for the academy, now led by Marcel Meijer.
The multi-modal-minded gatherings became the basis for the academy, now led by Marcel Meijer.
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WATCH VIDEO of Goudse Academy Director, Marcel Meijer, presnting a review of the 10th International Symposium on Auriculotherapy
Coming soon... the most comprehensive compilation of medical professionals offering training and treatment in auricular- and resonance-based fields of clinical practice — all to apply the neural portal of the ear for improved patient outcomes.
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