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...neuro-auricular modulation for EMDR!
Dave Maybee,
Director | CIAM
Connect with Dave, a leading instructor in Auricular Medicine, for live discussions: How to bypass the pre-frontal cortex to support emotional healing using neuro-auricular modulation.
Thasja Hoffmann,
EMDR Certified Coach
Consult with Thasja, an experienced EMDR coach oriented in trauma and attachment, and trained in Sensorimotor and Mindfulness therapies: Specific challenges in your EMDR practice.
Shannon Bowman, AMHSW
EMDR Certified Psychotherapist
Talk with Shannon, a practicing EMDR therapist who uses Auricular Methods: Clinical case examples and the benefits of using neuro-auricular modulation alongside your EMDR practice.
Lisa Weleschuk,
Clinical Practicum Advisor | CIAM
Learn with Lisa, as she offers her experience working with various health professionals on: How to integrate auricular methods within the scope of clinical practice to support psychological healing.
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Neuro-auricular Modulation for EMDR
Move Beyond
Defense Mechanisms
While EMDR is among the main treatments for clients with issues ranging from lack of sufficient dual attention to dissociation,[1-5] these issues remain challenges facing the EMDR therapist.[6-10] Using neuro-auricular methods, therapists can bypass pre-frontal cortex involvement and facilitate the restoration of dual attention and self-regulation[11-26] — all while avoiding the risks of proceeding with EMDR when a client is not ready.
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Neuro-auricular Modulation for EMDR
Gain Insight for Target Identification & Priority
Even without cognitive input from the client, active points on the microsystem of the ear, especially limbic system and pain memory points,[27] can be helpful in offering clues to useful targets.
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Neuro-auricular Modulation for EMDR:
Support Processing
In some cases, the client simply is “blocked,” in a “processing loop,” or “resistant” during BLS — no decrease in SUDs. Neuro-auricular modulation helps move beyond client defense mechanisms or other blocks without the need for pre-frontal cortex. It activates the mechanisms of action to support engagement, plasticity, healing and processing.[28-32]
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Body of Research
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History and Science Underlying Auricular Methods
[1] Haour F, Dobbelaere E, de Beaurepaire C. Scientific Evaluation of EMDR Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Psychological Trauma Summary: Scientific evaluation of EMDR psychotherapy. L'encephale. 2016 Jun;42(3):284-288. DOI: 10.1016/j.encep.2016.02.012. PMID: 27017321.
[2] Diseth TH, Christie HJ. Trauma-related dissociative (conversion) disorders in children and adolescents--an overview of assessment tools and treatment principles. Nord J Psychiatry. 2005;59(4):278. doi: 10.1080/08039480500213683. PMID: 16195132.
[3] EMDR and Dissociative Disorders. EMDRIA website. 2011. Accessed September 30, 2021.
[4] Bufka, L. Et al. Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adults. American Psychological Association website. February 24, 2017. Accessed September 30, 2021.
[5] de Jong, et al. Guidelines for the Management of Conditions Specifically Related to Stress. World Health Organization website. 2013. p37. Accessed September 30, 2021. ISBN 978 92 4 150540 6
[6] Hart O, Dissociation of the Personality and EMDR Therapy in Complex Trauma-Related Disorders: Applications in Phases 2 and 3 Treatment. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. 2014; 8(1): 33
[7] Forgash C, Knipe J. Integrating EMDR and Ego State Treatment for Clients With Trauma Disorders. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. 2012; 6(3): 121
[8] Dunne T, Farrell D. An Investigation Into Clinicians’ Experiences of Integrating
EMDR Into Their Clinical Practice. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. 2011; 5(4):177-188
[9] L Royle, & C Kerr. (2010). Integrating EMDR into your practice. New York, NY:Springer Publishing.
[10] Stacy R. 4 Big Challenges for EMDR Therapists — Part 3. Stacy Ruse Counseling Group website. Accessed August 6, 2021.
[14] Mercante B, Deriu F, Rangon CM. Auricular Neuromodulation: The Emerging Concept beyond the Stimulation of Vagus and Trigeminal Nerves. Medicines (Basel). 2018;5(1):10. Published 2018 Jan 21. doi:10.3390/medicines5010010
[17] Shiozawa P, Silva ME, Carvalho TC, et al. Transcutaneous vagus and trigeminal nerve stimulation for neuropsychiatric disorders: a systematic review. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2014; 72: 542-7.
[19] Kong J, Fang J, Park J, et al. Treating Depression with Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Front Psychiatry. 2018; 9: 20.
[21] Fang J, Rong P, Hong Y, Fan Y, Liu J, Wang H, Zhang G, Chen X, Shi S, Wang L, Liu R, Hwang J, Li Z, Tao J, Wang Y, Zhu B, Kong J. Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Modulates Default Mode Network in Major Depressive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 2016 Feb 15;79(4):266-73.
[24] Kurebayashi LF, Turrini RN, Souza TP, Marques CF, Rodrigues RT, Charlesworth K. Auriculotherapy to reduce anxiety and pain in nursing professionals: a randomized clinical trial. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2017;25:e2843. Published 2017 Apr 6. doi:10.1590/1518-8345.1761.2843
[25] Stanton G. Auriculotherapy in Neurology as an Evidence-Based Medicine: A Brief Overview. Med Acupunct. 2018;30(3):130–132.
[26] Alimi D. Medical Auriculotherapy: Scientific Bases, Principals and Therapeutic Strategies.[in French]. Paris: Elsevier–Masson; 2017
[27] Strittmatter B. Ear Acupuncture: A Precise Pocket Atlas Based on the Works of Nogier/Bahr. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme; 2011: iii-iv, 240-241, 236, 128, 160-161
[27] Strittmatter B. Ear Acupuncture: A Precise Pocket Atlas Based on the Works of Nogier/Bahr. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme; 2011: iii-iv, 240-241, 236, 128, 160-161
[28] Rosenberg S. Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve. Berkely, California: North Atlantic Books; 2017:87-93.
[29] Porges, S.W. Dana, D. Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies. New York: WW Norton. 2018: 53, 52
[30] Badran B, Dowdle L, Mithoefer O, Austelle C, McTeague L, George M. Neurophysiologic effects of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) via electrical stimulation of the tragus: A concurrent taVNS/fMRI study and review. Brain Stimulation. 2017; 11(3):492-500. DOI:
[31] Hays SA. Enhancing Rehabilitative Therapies with Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Neurotherapeutics. 2016;13(2):382-394. doi:10.1007/s13311-015-0417-z
[32] Edgerton R., Gad P. Spinal Cord Injury: Is the vagus nerve our neural connectome? eLife 2018;7:e35592 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.35592