Lisa Weleschuk, TCMD, RAc
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Courses featuring Lisa Weleschuk
Professional praise...
Beyond delivering the only systematic training of the DAA program in the English language offered worldwide, the CIAM team is highly professional and caring.”
– Dr. med. Beate Strittmatter | Director of Education, German Academy of Acupuncture (Deutsche Akademie für Akupunktur | DAA)
...brilliant, compassionate, and inspiring teachers of this profound medicine. I feel as though I've been given the keys for unraveling the complex multi-layered medical cases that we see so commonly in our modern clinics."
– Andrew Macfarlane, MS, LAc | Director Pittsburgh Classical Acupuncture
After 33 years of continuing education courses I can say I have not experienced such a well prepped and gentle presentation of a veritable tidal wave of information.”
– Candice C. Ellis, LAc | Former faculty at New England School of Acupuncture, and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
What you’ll learn/review
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Auricular methods for application by mental health professionals
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Practical application of CIAM coursework for certification at Level 1
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Practical application of CIAM coursework for certification at Level 2
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Practical application of CIAM CORE coursework for certification at Level 3
Bio | Lisa Weleschuk, TCMD, RAc
Clinical Practicum Advisor at the Canadian Institute of Auricular Medicine (CIAM)
Patients and students/colleagues benefit from Lisa’s appreciation of what it means to be whole. An approach that supports collaborative understanding. An approach that defined her facility in acupuncture by observing its roots in many cultures, as well as the inseparability of mind and body — that healing must not be confined to a modality.
Clinical Practicum Advisor • Instructor • Practitioner