Dr. med. Bernd Ramme, MD

President and instructor at the German Academy for Acupuncture (Deutsche Akademie für Akupunktur | DAA), Dr. med. Bernd Ramme is a physician specializing in general medicine, acupuncture, focus indicators (Störherddiagnostik), low-level laser therapy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).


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Ulrike Köstler spricht am TRENDFORUM 2017 mit Dr. med. Bernd Ramme über die Prävention und Therapie eines Yin-Mangels Sicht der TCM

Courses with Bernd Ramme

Publications & Presentations

The following are some of the contributions by Dr. Ramme to the field of Auricular Medicine...

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Co-author on Liquid Acupuncture: The First Systematic European Clinical Results on Liquid Acupuncture as an Effective Pain Therapy (“Die Liquidakupunktur: Erste Systematische Europäische Klinische Ergebnisse einer effektiven Schmerztherapie”)
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Auricular Medicine
in Oncology

Contributor for case report on renal cell carcinoma and the application of Auricular Medicine in Oncology within the context of a functional energy approach for tumor treatment after-care.
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The “tri-concept,” an integrative therapy for the treatment of obesity, as published 2002 in the magazine, Erfahrungsheilkunde, published by Haug Verlag
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International Seminars and Workshops

Numerous international speaking engagements and workshops on the topic of Auricular Medicine and TCM, including on invitation by the
Akupunkturkongress Timmendorf in Germany, the Davos Ohrakupunkturkongress and the ASA TCM-Kongress in Switzerland, and the TAO-Kongress and the Trendforum in Austria.

Bio | Dr. med. Bernd Ramme

President of the Deutsche Akademie für Akupunktur (DAA)
Through a collaboration between CIAM and the DAA, you can watch Dr. med. Ramme presenting the use of a class 4 laser for the application of the self-heal frequency in the treatment of knee pain (see courses with Bernd Ramme above). 
Author • Lecturer • Practitioner

President and instructor at the German Academy for Acupuncture (Deutsche Akademie für Akupunktur | DAA), Dr. med. Bernd Ramme is a physician specializing in general medicine, acupuncture, focus indicators (Störherddiagnostik), low-level laser therapy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

His professional experience also includes his contributions as...
  • Founder of the German Society for Chronic Illnesses (Deutsche Gesellschaft für chronische Erkrankungen | DGCE)
  • Moderator for quality circles (Qualitätszirkel) within the coalition of panel doctors of Westfalen-Lippe, Germany (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe | KVWL)
  • Educator of general medicine and acupuncture under the respective authorities of the medical associations of the Ärztekammer Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (ÄKMV) and Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe (ÄKWL)  
  • and, as a physician in private practice