Shannon Bowman, AMHSW

Shannon has advanced his own psychotherapy practice using neuromodulation. Using the neural portal of the ear, he efficiently...
  • moves clients beyond defense mechanisms
  • identifies relevant and effective targets 
  • supports processing when clients are “stuck”


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WATCH VIDEO on using the ear for neural insight and regulation. 

Courses featuring Shannon Bowman

What students and colleagues say...

Wonderful work! The EMDR portion of, How to Access the Somatic and Emotional Experience, is immediately useful and applicable to my EMDR practice.”
– Dr. Timothy Rowe, MD | Addiction Psychiatrist at Arms Acres, and Director of Psychiatric Services at St. Christopher’s Inn Addiction Treatment & Recovery Community, New York State, USA
It really is not about the target, it is about recognizing what got stored in the neural pathway to say, pay attention to this problem, this is very important! ”
– Laurie Colson-Young, LMFT, LPCC | Presenter in the Neuromodulation for EMDR: Targeting course
My awareness of the connections of body, mind, and spirit brought me to Auricular Medicine. Trauma resides in both the body and the brain, and with [these] tools...I help patients become aware of stressful patterns and help relieve them of physical and psychological pain.”
– Helene Pilon on benefits of Auricular Medicine | Level 2 CIAM-certified Psychologist, New Brunswick, Canada

What You’ll learn

In a collaboration with mental health professionals, leading EMDR coaches, the Canadian Institute of Auricular Medicine, and IntegrateAuricular, Shannon Bowman shares how he has advanced his psychotherapy practice.

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Getting beyond defense mechanisms

  • Identify neural disturbances

  • Neurobiology of trauma 

  • Neuromodulation for regulation
  • Speed-up intake insights

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Effective targeting to quickly establish trust

  • Pinpoint relevant neural pathways
  • Hone your targeting
  • Efficiently deepen discovery of negative core beliefs
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Improve processing when clients are “stuck”

  • Bypass pre-frontal cortex
  • Release blockages in ANS
  • Supporting visceral sense of safety
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Intro to clinical tools for neuromodulation

  • Auricular microsystem
  • Electrical nerve stimulation
  • Manual stimulation
  • Laser

Bio | Shannon Bowman, AMHSW

Director of Create Balance Psychotherapy & Counseling
“Preparation for my most challenging cases could sometimes take 8 sessions or more. With neuro-auricular modulation my EMDR prep time often reduces to just one session.” 
Accredited Mental Health Social Worker • Accredited EMDR Practitioner • Laser Therapist • Counsellor

Shannon is an integrative psychotherapist. He helps his clients get to the underlying cause of their mental health concerns.
Shannon is the founder of Create Balance Psychotherapy & Counselling, and passionate about helping clients through life’s difficulties. Shannon is always striving to find advances in mental health treatment, and has completed extensive training in many therapeutic modalities. 
  • Psychotherapy
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Counseling
  • Social work (mental health)
  • Somatic experience
  • Photobiomodulation/laser therapy
  • Neuro-auricular modulation
  • Mindfulness
  • Qi Gong